Find a trainer

For clients who choose to train according to CoreFitMax Training, it is highly recommended to do it with assistance of a qualified personal trainer. If you don’t already have one, here is a list of trainers who have already completed CFM Instruction course, ready to help you achieve your training goals and improve test results.

Marko Gasparovic, Belgrade, Serbia

Vladimir Tesic, Belgrade, Serbia

Damir Rujevic, Belgrade, Serbia

Tanja Tanaskovic, Valjevo, Serbia

Interested to become CoreFitMax trainer?

Sign up for CoreFitMax Instruction course and start using CFM Training module. Broaden your skill pallete with computer-assisted training. Attract more clients who need precise individual training.

Main features:

  • compact and effective (1-day, 4 hours, small groups)
  • comprehensive (basics of myofascial anatomy, postural issues, walking pattern analysis, training principles and progression sequence, equipment features, interpretation of CFM test results etc)
  • affordable (only 95€)
  • online support
  • free all future upgrades

General fitness experience is required.

Info and sign up: CoreFitMax Instruction course